Education and professional experience
Language teaching and ICT MA
Université Lyon 2, 2022-2024
I started this master in order to do some reflection about my professional experience, learn new skills, and possibly prepare for a PhD in language teaching.
I especially learned about technology - theoretically and practically-wise, in the classromm and for distance learning.
Stage et Mémoire "Questionnaire élèves Apprel 2"
I did a 100 hours internship at the Laboratoire de recherche CeRLa (Univ. Lyon 2). I worked on a questionnaire about attitudes, strategies and learning styles of lower secondary students relative to vocabulary learning in English as a foreign language.
I analyzed items formulation, questionnaire structure, and did statistical tests for validation purposes.
Some products from the master
- reflections about and examples of the use of digital tools: H5P and Moodle
- H5P suite and DCL test presentation videos
- essay about Miriadi, a learning platform for intercomprehension
- essay : why immersion is not sufficient to language learning
- this website
Italian teacher
Lyon, from 2016
- I moved to Lyon in 2016 to teach Italian
-since 2016 I taught in higher education institutions (INSEEC, ENTPE), language schools, companies (RenaultTrucks), secondary education.
Université Lyon 2 - Centre of languages
- most important professional experience
-enseignant vacataire (2017-2020), then co-coordinator from 2020
-Cles examiner from 2018
-Hybrid-It projet (production of digital learning material and creation of a learning environment)
Management duties
Co-coordination of italian teaching; didactics coordination, stimulation of exchange of materials, knowledge and practices; courses' scheduling, teacher recruitment.
Participation in CdL boards with the director and the administration, dealing with any issues with students, liaise between board-administration and italian teachers.
Language test examiner and writer
-DCL examiner from 2017 and CLES from 2018
-DCL writer in 2018-2019
Ditals II
Università di Siena, 2016
-advanced certificate in Italian teaching
-point of arrival of 2013-2016 volunteering and the dissertation on intercultural metaphors
-springboard for the following professional career
Voluntary italian language teacher
Roma 2013-2015, Bologna 2015-2016
-teaching Italian
-migratory context
-parallel theoretical work as a student (Univ. La Sapienza)
Philosophy MA & Dissertation on Intercultural metaphors
La Sapienza Università di Roma, 2014
during my Philosophy MA I directed my interest towards communication, languages, semiotics.
-I studied metaphors for my dissertation. This allowed me to deal with important issues in communication, language and culture which I consider crucial to language teaching.
Dissertation: content and results
-theories of metaphors : among many, Aristotle, Gramsci, Black, Lakoff & Johnson, Fauconnier & Turner, S. Coulson
-psycholinguistics and figurative langage comprehension (D. Rumelhart, R.J. Gibbs)
-corpus linguistics and metaphors (A. Deignan)
-corpus analysis: memoranda of the Concil of foreigners of Bologna province (2007-2012)
-an article published in 2016 building on the analysis of the corpus
Languages and life abroad
started in 1993
started in 2011
started in 2008

2016-on, Lyon
specific professional experience
2011, Paris
4 mois, erasmus (Inalco - Institu National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris)
2010, Manchester
4 months, generic professional experience
2009, Utrecht
1 mois, summer school
Dutch Culture and Society, Universiteit Utrecht