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The project
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​Hybrid-IT is a project financed by the ANR (National Research Agency), as part of France Relance, and supported by UdL - University of Lyon/Hybrid-IT project (official presentation ⇗).

Universities in of the Rhone area - Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne), Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lumière Lyon 2, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - and other authorities participate.


University Lyon 2 participates with an ICT component and a language teaching component, coordinated by the SPS (Service Pédagogique du Supérieur).

The language teaching component

The language teaching component was carried out by six teachers from the Language Centre’s Italian team.


The work consists of creating an experimental hybrid language course structure that can be used by other university bodies. Part of the work consists of producing digital resources to support classroom courses. The structure has been tested for levels A1 to B2.


The project was also a very important opportunity to improve the team's skills and improve collaboration.

My contribution

As co-coordinator of the teachers of italian, I assisted in the implementation and organization of the work from the start. I was not in charge of the project, but I provided regular support to the it.


My main contribution consisted of the resource production for levels A1 and A2, as well as a test for level A2 in one of my courses.

I also created participant feedback forms via the software LimeSurvey.


The Hybrid-IT project was an opportunity to reflect on the usability and usefulness of digital tools in teaching.


I strengthened my knowledge of


-video editing

-some principles of copyright

-the exercise creator H5P

Example of teaching material
“TV series” module

Institution: Centre of languages, University Lyon 2

Year: 2021-2022

Course: A2, semester 2

Duration: 3 sessions


Click on the 6 buttons and discover them!

Synergy between classroom & digital activities


and empathy

ICT in the classroom
and its added value

Personal relationships and pragmatics

Personal relationships and concepts

and culture

Paper material with extracts form moodle 

These materials are not published, and there is no licence to use them. Contact me if you would like to use them.

Module start-up exercise

These audio tracks open the “TV series” module.

The series were chosen because of their popularity among university students. Students have to guess which series they are. Critically, each student listens to them in the classroom on their smartphones or laptop via the Moodle platform: listening Individually allows each student to listen again more than once and at the pace the need. Later on they will compare their opinions in small groups, and very likely will want to listen again at their own pace. Empowering students by giving them the control of the listening facility is expected to keep their motivation up  and adapt to their own individual needs.

The tracks were created with the Audacity software (listen to the 3rd to discover some sound effects).

Casa de papel extract - Álex Pina / Atresmedia-Vancouver Media

Lupin extract - George Kay-François Uzan / Gaumont Television

Morgane extract - Review by Laura Buffa

Legal notice: use in university possible thanks to the legal institution Exception pédagogique (see sources here).

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