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Tools: Moodle

In my courses Moodle is the hub of all digital tools used in distance teaching and sometimes in-classroom teaching

An essential component of moodle

Moodle is a complex and multifaceted tool and it requires broad and continuous attention to learn its functionalites and make the most of it. Many contextual factors ...

Examples of use

-user permissions and local permissions

-the creation of a multimedial ....

I use moodle to create and manage...

-materials for Hybrid-it projet

-ateliers de conversation webpage ...

Example of asynchrous class

My role :

Context :


A2 course, Centre of Languages, Univ. Lyon 2

Structure model

cours démembré pas à pas sur plateforme, modalité asynchrone.

an asynchronous, broken-down and step-by-step class on the platform.


(a) instructions via video (this example)

Differently from written instructions, with a video the overall sense of an activity can be more deeply and clearly be felt by learners, who are then more motivated and receive guidance for learning action.

(b) activity

Moodle-asynchrone03-imperativo - tagliato.png

Indicating the duration of an activity is important not only to provide an element that would emerge "spontaneously" in the classroom (the teacher says "let's stop"), but mostly to offer an idea to the learner of the effort they are supposed to pay with that activity, so that they can adjust their effort and expectations.

(c) video feedback if comments are needed, or corrections via a document


(d) self-correcting exercises

Differently to a "paper" or a paper-like document, an digital exercise can signal incorrect responses and still let the learner try and focus on them again.

The text is the same of the previous activity.

(e) instructions via video.

Reading requires more volitional energies than listening, and oral explanation can be richer thanks to prosody and other semiotic factors. Listening for two minutes is not necessarily long, the same amount of words in a written texts are - and this has an impact on motivation and tiredness.

Summary: recorded video class VS asynchronous broken-down class

A graphically clear structure makes the learner able to appreciate the sense of the effort they are going to make, and so adjust the expense of their limited attentional resources.

Surely this is not the solution for any context, and not any day. The weekly session might be a videoconference with small groups workshops, and mainly oral activities.

A drawback: a completely asynchous distance language course in a university might lead students to loose motivation and some to drop out.

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